Inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033/34, but also DayZ and other stuff and finally convinced by the outstanding Ratnik Miniature range I decided to start a 28mm project about my own post-apocalypse.
The fact all these stories/games are set up in Russia/Eastern Europe let me wonder that there is so less miniature stuff about this directly. Of course Fallout also has it charme but for me has to much SciFi influence.
So my inspiration is a game set in the end-phase of former Soviet Union with as much correctnes as possible in a PA-Setting. The story will grow on my own and as far I can tell now also the rules will be.
As I slided some kind of into this project I dont have to much of an idea what will be done next. I started on a small introducement for the story and the historical background. On the other hand I started some of the scenery as it will be shown within the next posts.
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